Thematic Connections

Family Planning & HIV

Maternal Health & HIV

Sexually Transmitted
Infection & HIV

Gender Based Violence & HIV

Sexual Health & HIV

For SRHR and HIV linkages, I would like to…
understand and advocate for linkages.

Understanding SRHR
and HIV linkages

Advocating for SRHR and HIV linkages


Interactive Timeline

The intrinsic connections between SRHR and HIV are well established. Linking HIV and SRHR responses is critical for reaching human rights, gender equality, and health targets for the Sustainable Development Goals.

For SRHR and HIV linkages, I would like to…
know how to integrate services.

Tools and Guidance

Case studies

There is no one blueprint to integrate services as context is different. However, there are a number of practical guidance documents and tools including checklists which can be used when designing and implementing integrated SRHR and HIV services.

For SRHR and HIV linkages, I would like to…
monitor and evaluate.

National progress on
SRHR and HIV linkages

SRHR and HIV linkages
measurement tools

Facility based
measurement tools


A number of tools have been developed to support measurement of SRHR and HIV linkages at the enabling environment, health systems and integrated service delivery levels. The results from these tools demonstrate national progress on SRHR and HIV linkages.

For SRHR and HIV linkages, I would like to…
conduct research.

Research tools

Research initiatives

This section includes research tools and an overview of research initiatives related to SRHR and HIV linkages.

For SRHR and HIV linkages, I would like to…
provide integrated SRHR and HIV services for various populations.

People living with HIV

Defining key populations

Men who have
sex with men

Sex workers

People who inject drugs

Transgender people

Prisoners / vulnerable populations

Adolescents and
young people

Various populations are important to the dynamics of the HIV epidemic and are essential partners in an effective response, especially people living with HIV and key populations. Key populations are disproportionately affected by HIV and include: men who have sex with men; transgender people; people who inject drugs; sex workers; and prisoners. People living with HIV are considered a key population in all epidemic contexts.

Vulnerable populations are groups of people who are particularly vulnerable to HIV infection in certain situations or contexts, such as adolescents (particularly adolescent girls), people in closed settings (such as prisons or detention centres), people with disabilities and migrant and mobile workers.

For SRHR and HIV linkages, I would like to…
protect and promote human rights.

Protecting & promoting
human rights

Human rights of people
living with HIV

Human rights of
key populations

Gender equality
(including SGBV)

Human rights represent a foundation for effective SRHR and HIV linkages laws, policies and programmes. Sexual and reproductive rights of people living with HIV and key and vulnerable populations need to be upheld. Gender-transformative policies to establish gender equality and eliminate sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) are additional requirements.

For SRHR and HIV linkages, I would like to…
apply learnings to other areas of integration

TB and HIV

Viral hepatitis
and HIV


Maternal, newborn, child
and adolescent health

An integrated approach to service delivery supports universal access to a broad range of health services. There are several health-related areas in which service integration is being utilised.

For SRHR and HIV linkages, I would like to…
mobilise resources and work in partnerships.

Mobilise resources for
SRHR and HIV linkages

Work in partnerships

Mobilising resources and working in partnerships – particularly through community engagement – are both key elements in the SRHR and HIV linkages response. Whether working on advocacy, research or implementation – all require both financial resources and strong partnerships.

WELCOME to the Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR) and HIV Linkages Toolkit. This simple-to use toolkit will guide you to the most recent, relevant and important SRHR and HIV linkages resources to meet your needs.